Jacob Smith

VP of Client Services

Fun Fact

Trained as a classical bassoonist.

Jacob joined Dinkum as a partner in 2010.  As VP of Client Services, Jacob serves as chief project manager and oversees technical implementation on all Dinkum projects. In the business for 9 years, Jacob has led hundreds of projects for a variety of corporate and non-profit clients, and thus is allowed to get away with talking a bit too much at certain meetings… before Paul cuts him off.

Recent Blogpost

Social Media Lessons For CEOs and Nonprofits

In the past two weeks, I attended two conferences that were world’s apart but linked. One was focused on large, profitable companies. The other involved nonprofits. They both discussed social media. The first conference featured CEOs, many of whom are grappling with the use of social media within their organizations. Each CEO had a bit …
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Finding the Data in (not provided)

We have previously discussed the ominous (not provided) that shows up in Google Analytics after Google decided to withhold the search data of users logged into Google account. Rather than come down on one side of the debate, Dave Davies‘ blog post for Search Engine Watch has some useful tips and ideas on how to …
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Coca Cola’s Shift to Content Excellence

There’s been quite a bit of discussion about Coca Cola’s evolution of its content strategy. For many years, the company dominated the advertising space – globally – but the Internet has forced a change in its strategy. Rather than ‘Creative Excellence’, they’re now after ‘Content Excellence’. One commentator, Jeff Bullas, believes there are 5 lessons …
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Make Social Media Work For You. Really!

If you think you’re too busy for social media, think again. The days of one-way communication are slowly falling away in favor of engagement. Many business owners we meet say they don’t have time for social media – that it’s too time consuming. This can be true, but social media is where the conversation is …
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Connect Through Your Blog

For someone who claims to be technologically inept, Steve Smolinsky nails it when it comes to blogging. A management consultant by day, he’s curious about the world and articulate in his dissection of it. Many people blog as part of their marketing efforts but Steve takes it a step further. He’s a voracious reader of …
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The Dinkum Evolution – More than Search Marketing

When Dinkum first set up shop back in 2006, we set our sights on strictly being a search marketing company. Our tagline was “Genuine Search Engine Marketing” though admittedly we were mostly a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) company. It gave us focus and an identity to grow our business and our client’s businesses. For most …
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The Tablet Wars

This guest blog is by Jack Schaller from Eastern Legal Systems. Judging by the press from the recent 2012 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), tablets appear to have “arrived” as a serious player in the technology market, vying for the consumer dollar along with all of the other gadgets and gizmos. Their presence is becoming more …
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Staples Brand Gets Black Eye

When a friend was awarded ‘Tech Of The Quarter’ by his employer, he redeemed his prize as a Staples gift card and planned to use it to get a new cell phone he’d seen on their website. A few days later, with gift card in hand, my friend visited Staples to make his purchase. He …
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Is SEO still alive?

When Dinkum Interactive started almost six years ago, I began speaking to groups and companies about our brand new and fairly unheard of product offering. At the time, I talked a lot about search engine optimization – SEO – which was a brand new concept. Now, I no longer need to explain what SEO stands …
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5 Ways To Make Your Blog Magnetic

Blogging is an important component in most Internet marketing strategies. And since you’re making the effort to write them, why not ensure they’re read by the audience you want to attract. I came across some excellent suggestions from Bamidele Onibalusi of YoungPrePro to help you make your blog magnetic. 1. Have a Clearly Defined Point …
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