Paul Fleming is one of the founders of Dinkum Interactive and brings extensive experience in the Online Marketing world with a strong emphasis in Search Engine Optimization. His background in education, communications and marketing have prepared him well for the fast pace of the online world. Nothing pleases him more than seeing a client achieve great success
When we search, we expect the right results straight away. When we get to a website, we expect to be able to find what we are looking for immediately and if not, easily. So it seems that a lot of clients expect instant results from their SEO campaign as well. As Abe Lincoln appropriately suggests “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
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After working with the All-in-One-SEO plugin for WordPress for a few years now, we’ve seen a new player enter the space in the form of WordPress developer/blogger/speaker Yoast who has released his WordPress SEO plugin. For those who follow Joost de Valk, you’ll be very aware that he has some very strong opinions but for …
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It’s important that we adjust the press release enough to differentiate between our distribution and theirs. It’s not that we don’t care how many people read the press release; in fact, we encourage it, but this is not our primary objective. We want incoming links. We want controlled anchor text. Increased visibility is merely an added bonus.
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