
Categories for Dinkum

Dinkum's Methodology
Dinkum, Internet Marketing

A Methodology for Internet Marketing

by Jacob Smith On January 22, 2013

The “SEO Business” is tougher and more complex making it difficult to build successful campaigns. These days, it’s more like making a seven tiered wedding cake than a batch of Betty Crocker brownies. Return on Investment?  Prove it! In addition to the complexity in building and maintaining awesome campaigns is the difficulty in pricing our … Read More

Dinkum, Internet Marketing

Our SEO Paradigm Shift for 2013

by Paul Fleming On December 31, 2012

We made some fairly significant changes in 2012 to accommodate Google. These sort of changes are not really uncommon in our field and interestingly for most of us, none of them were a real surprise but what has occurred this past year, does represent a shift in thinking for many in our industry. A big … Read More

Dinkum, Video

Happy Holidays, 2012 Style

by Jacob Smith On December 23, 2012

Happy Holidays from the team at Dinkum Interactive. Have a happy and safe time of it. Hope to catch up with you in the New Year. Read More

Dinkum, Mobile

Top Searches for 2012

by Paul Fleming On December 4, 2012

It’s December already – and yes, it’s crazy how fast the year has gone by. A fun thing to do at this time of the year is to look at the most popular searches on the web. And we can thank Yahoo for once again collating the data. It’s the 11th year Yahoo has been … Read More


Be More Productive: Work on Happiness

by Paul Fleming On November 13, 2012

When thinking about the bottom line, we generally look at process. But this week, here’s a different approach: work on happiness. “Achieving happiness requires nothing more than practicing a few simple disciplines each and every day,” believes Dr Tim Sharp. And he should know – he’s from the Happiness Institute. Happy people see the bright … Read More


Juggling Your Way to Success

by Paul Fleming On October 30, 2012

Today, I attended a conference called ‘Mind and Its Potential’ which gathers leading researchers in brain science and cognition from eastern and western traditions. It was a fascinating day. I listened to V.S. Ramachandran, Professor with the Psychology Department and Neurosciences Program at the University of California, San Diego, discuss mirror neurons and Buddhist nun, … Read More


5 Reasons to do Weekly Website Reports

by Hendrik Ng On October 9, 2012

Maintaining a top performing website takes organization, especially if many people are involved. At Dinkum, we complete weekly reports of client websites to make sure we’re on top of, and delivering, optimum sites. Everyone can see where a site is at, and how to make it better. I’m in charge of compiling these weekly reports … Read More

Content Marketing, Dinkum

Reviews: are you swayed?

by Paul Fleming On October 2, 2012

Imagine you’re planning a holiday. You’ve picked the destination and booked the flight, but haven’t decided on the accommodation. How do you work out where to stay? You might ask friends or go for the well-known options. But most likely, you’ll head online to see what others say. And it’s likely you’ll be swayed by … Read More

Dinkum, Paid Search

Pay Per Click: how to get the best bang for your buck

by Paul Fleming On September 18, 2012

Pay Per Click advertising can be a great way to drive traffic to your site but in the wrong hands, it can burn money. If you bid on the wrong keywords or focus on the wrong audience, you can end up spending a fortune without any measurable return. If you want to dip into the … Read More


Snap Judgments: Are you overlooking introverts?

by Paul Fleming On September 4, 2012

Are you aware of how you make decisions? From what to wear today to who to marry, we believe we make decisions rationally. We weigh up the options and come to a conclusion. Of course, it’s more complicated than that. I’m currently reading Malcolm Gladwell’s book ‘Blink’ about the part of our brain that makes … Read More

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