
Categories for Dinkum


3 Easy Ways to be Proactive

by Jacob Smith On February 15, 2012

The switch was flicked and the light went on. It was a lightbulb moment. It happened during our regular Team Dinkum project meeting. After running through our current projects and working out where we were up to, Jacob offered a valuable insight. He said, rather than simply responding to our clients needs, let’s come up … Read More


Social Media Lessons For CEOs and Nonprofits

by Jacob Smith On February 8, 2012

In the past two weeks, I attended two conferences that were world’s apart but linked. One was focused on large, profitable companies. The other involved nonprofits. They both discussed social media. The first conference featured CEOs, many of whom are grappling with the use of social media within their organizations. Each CEO had a bit … Read More


Connect Through Your Blog

by Jacob Smith On January 31, 2012

For someone who claims to be technologically inept, Steve Smolinsky nails it when it comes to blogging. A management consultant by day, he’s curious about the world and articulate in his dissection of it. Many people blog as part of their marketing efforts but Steve takes it a step further. He’s a voracious reader of … Read More


The Tablet Wars

by Jacob Smith On January 25, 2012

This guest blog is by Jack Schaller from Eastern Legal Systems. Judging by the press from the recent 2012 Consumer Electronics Show (CES), tablets appear to have “arrived” as a serious player in the technology market, vying for the consumer dollar along with all of the other gadgets and gizmos. Their presence is becoming more … Read More


Is SEO still alive?

by Jacob Smith On January 18, 2012

When Dinkum Interactive started almost six years ago, I began speaking to groups and companies about our brand new and fairly unheard of product offering. At the time, I talked a lot about search engine optimization – SEO – which was a brand new concept. Now, I no longer need to explain what SEO stands … Read More


Walmart’s Latest Big Acquisition is…Small

by Jacob Smith On January 13, 2012

The world’s largest retailer has made an acquisition that suggests its future involves smart technology. Walmart has just bought mobile app developer, Small Society. In dollar terms, it probably wasn’t a big deal, at least for the corporate giant. But for me, it was an interesting move. Let me explain why. 1.  Walmart has a digital technology research … Read More


Does Your Customer Service Make You Stand Out?

by Jacob Smith On December 21, 2011

I was walking through an underground section of Philadelphia called Market East. I noticed a lady walking around with a basket looking intently at those seated and once in awhile she would go over to someone and speak with them. I asked someone near by what that was all about.  I was told that she … Read More


Trend Watch: 2011 iPhone App of the Year and Rey Mysterio

by Paul Fleming On December 12, 2011

My friend’s seven year-old son recently sent me his Christmas wish list. Trends move quickly these days, especially for those in single digits, so I’m always prepared to buy something I’ve never heard of. This year’s request surprised me. Young Ben wants a WWE action figure. That’s WWE for World Wrestling Entertainment. Ben, it seems, … Read More


Thoughts on the Team Meeting: Moving from Good to Great

by Jacob Smith On December 8, 2011

During the last few months, Dinkum has been working with its favorite business consultant Steve Smolinsky to help move the dial on our growing company from “good” to “great.”  To call Steve a consultant, however, is a bit of a bland misnomer – he’s more of an entrepreneurial Yoda, nurturing our startup-inspired energies into grand … Read More


Missing the Bulls-eye: Lessons from Target’s Spill

by Paul Fleming On September 27, 2011

You’ve got to feel a little bit sorry for Target. The retailer managed to secure hot, hot, hot Italian designer, Missoni, to create a low-price, limited edition product range exclusively for Target. It generated gold publicity about the September 13th launch and even built a concept store at New York’s Fashion Week. And then it … Read More

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