
Categories for Dinkum


Are You Giving Your Customers a Headache?

by Paul Fleming On September 16, 2011

First, let me offer a content warning. I will be discussing telecommunications companies. Ordinarily, I don’t like talking/writing/thinking about telcos because they do my head in. But a friend had just arrived from Australia to live in NYC and the first thing she wanted to do was get her phone activated. She said she felt … Read More


Multiple Google Account Logins

by Jacob Smith On August 26, 2011

If you use Google services, you likely use a lot of them.  And if you’re like me and my colleagues/friends and many clients, you might even have a few identities with big old friendly (free) ‘goog.  Your personal gmail address, your Google Apps for Business account, etc. I use four Google Apps email accounts each … Read More


Virtual Office of the Future is Here!

by Guest Blogger On July 26, 2011

You already know that Dinkum Interactive is on the cutting edge of the virtual office work environment. I and my co-workers don’t have a corporate office to report to at 9 every morning, and we don’t face the freeway commute at the end of the day. I, for one, have dreamed of a job like … Read More


Press Releases in the SEO World

by Paul Fleming On May 27, 2011

Or: The Purpose of Press Releases Has Changed. This week, a client asked me to explain ‘why’. I’d suggested a press release topic and he wasn’t sure about it. “What would the focus be?” he asked. “I want to make sure that we’re adding to our message, not diluting it.” It was an absolutely valid … Read More


Roots, Branches, and Leaves – Viewing Internet Marketing through a Horticultural Lens

by Jacob Smith On May 24, 2011

In my pre-Dinkum life, I started out helping artists, small businesses, nonprofits, and online merchants build websites.  Since that time (about 10 years ago) I have struggled with the same challenge in about 90% of my client relationships: how to help them “get” the true value of a  a comprehensive approach to internet marketing. You … Read More


The Art and Science of Client Relationships

by Guest Blogger On May 17, 2011

Fellow authors here at Dinkum have posted about customer relationships from various points of view. Do Your Customers Trust You and Delivering on Values and other posts suggest the need to know your audience and deliver what is promised and other important business or life lessons.  A good customer relationship is productive for both parties, … Read More


Top 5 Press Release Tips

by Paul Fleming On April 8, 2011

Catching up over a coffee, a friend asked me how to write a press release. Even though I write them every day, it was interesting to define exactly what makes one press release stand apart from another. Of course, what you’re writing about makes a huge difference – some topics are more exciting and newsworthy … Read More


Face recognition in an Open Source environment

by Emiliano Jankowski On March 25, 2011

Part of my job at Dinkum is to make sophisticated things happen for our website and marketing clients on a daily basis. One such request came a few months ago for a project we’re working on for the Marlboro Music Festival. The request? Help the Festival (which was founded in 1951 by the late, great … Read More


Recommendations Are Always Welcome

On March 8, 2011

A few months ago I decided that it was time to update my family room, kitchen and office. I liked my decor but since it has been 12 years, it needed a little pick me up. So I hired my local painter to do the job. It was a week of craziness with plastering, dust … Read More


It’s about the process – not the technology

by Jacob Smith On January 20, 2011

Are you relying too much on technology to do the work for you, or are you still being creative and using technology to help you be even more creative? Read More

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