The India Music & Dance Society (SRUTI) is a volunteer run organization serving the Greater Philadelphia area to promote and present Indian classical music and dance. Their web presence was extremely dated and caused frustrations in updating and maintaining. The performances were managed with a combination of Access database and Google Sheets and were largely not functional on their current web instance.
Our objective for this project was to update their visuals to reflect a more modern and intuitive experience for users, allow membership signups as well as provide an archive or past performances that everyone could access.
We designed the new website around their current logo and made sure to put an emphasis on providing space for their images and videos which helps to really showcase their performers and talented artists. We setup a WordPress CMS to help them manage the website content and also added key features for them to manage the performances and archives. We imported all of the records from the Access database and normalized the structure to improve performance.
In all, the result is a significant step up from the previous website and something they will be able to use for years to come. Visit their current website at