Our company has evolved over the last 5 years. Some of it has been to accomodate new trends (influence of social media for one), some due to Google’s whims (the many algorithm updates) but mostly it has been the result of experience. The company started by recognizing that there was a specific need. We would hear so many stories of people complaining that they had these great websites that they spent a lot of money on, yet no-one was coming to visit it to tell them how awesome it was. Having seen the impact of SEO on our client websites, we felt it was important to break away from the traditional “we do everything” package, to strictly focus on SEO. We were seeing such great results for clients that it was a no-brainer really. And so it has been for the past 5 years and we have enjoyed great success in doing so.
A couple of years ago, we felt a shift. We knew SEO had a great impact and we knew we did a great job. In some instances it was our clients wanting more, in others it was seeing that we simply needed to offer more. Mostly it was the observation that folks were starting to care less about their websites and more about the activity around their website, such was the impact of Search and Social Media. So the website was being ignored, or devalued or not fully included in the whole marketing picture. People were getting low cost websites and having us work our magic but we starting finding more and more that these economy sites were often tough to work with. We’re not even all that picky about compliance or standards (though we would prefer this to be the case). We can actually work around quite a few barriers but they are sometimes so great that it’s not worth our while or the client’s money. To this day, it boggles my mind that with so many very talented designers and developers, we keep running into such poor quality websites. So we discussed this issue for a while before deciding that we needed to provide this value-add to our clients. Web design and development was where many of us cut our teeth so we knew how important it was, but we really wanted to keep our focus on something we knew we were good at, SEO. It just became increasingly evident that we really had to make a shift after seeing great success in combining these offerings. And so we have.
For us, your website has always been the online business focal point. This is the foundation. This is the glue to your online activity. Everything else feeds it so it’s more important than ever have a website that can accommodate everything. Strong design. Excellent content. Scalable. Pretty. Usable. Friendly. Social. While it’s true you can do Internet Marketing off your website and some can be pretty effective, we would hazard a guess that it still all comes back to your website. Your facebook page is great, you’re really working it, people really “like” your message and have shown some interest in your service. What are the odds that they’re probably heading to your website next? *crickets* Wow you really let that one go. Your cousin did it back in 2005 (as it still says in your copyright). It’s all sorts of messed up. You’re not sure what that picture is. You don’t even offer that service any more. So that prospect is thinking twice.
We’re not suggesting that you need to budget six figures for your website, just pay attention to it. Ironically, we have returned to offering the “all in one” package. Do us a favor and at least update your copyright to 2011. That way, we know you’re still in business.
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